Independence and Housing

Strategic Plan

2023 - 2027 PHARA Strategic Plan

PHARA has put in place the 2023-2027 PHARA Today - PHARA Tomorrow - PHARA Forever Strategic Plan.

Pillar 1: Excellent Service

Aim: To be seen by clients, tenants, and the community as a provider of excellent service.


  1. To pursue accreditation to improve and to demonstrate our dedication to excellent service.

  2. To enhance the quality and integrity of our services through focusing on the importance of doing the little things well.

  3. To enhance our collaboration with community providers to enhance services and housing opportunities.

Outcomes: PHARA will maintain excellent Annual Survey results. PHARA will become an accredited

Pillar 2: An Employer of Choice

Aim: To foster a culture and workplace where individuals choose PHARA as their long-term employer.


  1. To achieve the living wage for all employees of PHARA.

  2. To comprise a comprehensive human resources strategy to ensure we attract and retain excellent people.

  3. To maintain a safe workplace that prizes inclusivity, diversity, education, succession, and wellness.

Outcomes: PHARA will advocate to move forward with the living wage for employees. PHARA will lower turnover rates and enhance retention as evidence of becoming an employer of choice. PHARA will enhance succession and training programs. PHARA will champion inclusivity, diversity and wellness.

Pillar 3: A Local Leader

Aim: To be a local leader in housing and health services with a focus on equity, inclusion, and diversity.


  1. To work collaboratively with our partners to influence health system transformation and enhance non-profit housing opportunities.

  2. To enhance public awareness of PHARA.

  3. To expand services levels while working to expand housing opportunities with a focus on equity, inclusion, and diversity.

Outcomes: PHARA will expand client services within the community. PHARA will increase the public’s awareness of the organization. PHARA will contribute to positively impacting services, while advancing opportunities for housing.

Pillar 4: Enhanced Stability

Aim: To enhance services and sustainability through integrated planning and partnerships that enhance and grow community programs to meet client and tenant need.


  1. To advance our mandate through integrated planning and partnerships while responding quickly to all funding opportunities.

  2. To explore becoming a training centre for independence and life skills training.

  3. To enhance succession, education, and team building opportunities for the Board of Directors.

Outcomes: PHARA will respond to funding opportunities as a means to build existing and new services. PHARA will expand life skills training with or without a training centre. PHARA will strengthen the Board of Directors around succession and team building.