Community support for "SAVE MASSEY" grows thanks to PHARA's Assisted Living Programs
PHARA's "SAVE MASSEY" campaign, launched in early March, is gaining the attention of key community supporters for both the affordable housing supplied by the residential buildings at 122 Massey Drive, as well as the critical Assisted Living services provided to some residents.
"More and more people are recognizing that PHARA's Assisted Living program, supported by our dedicated Personal Care Staff and Home Support Workers, is key to many local people being able to stay in their homes," says Mike Van der Vlist, PHARA CEO. "These residents enjoy a better quality of life and are encouraged to actively participate in our community."
Unlike long-term care facilities or nursing homes, Assisted Living prioritizes independence, allowing individuals to remain in familiar surroundings while receiving the care and assistance they need.
“PHARA’s team are the boots on the ground providing hands-on care for people in North Bay and surrounding communities. They play an integral role in preventing hospitalizations and reducing the strain on the healthcare system,” says Van der Vlist. “We are a vital solution and a wise investment when it comes to making sure that everyone and every-body has independence, a home, and their health.”
With an aging population and increased life expectancy, the demand for Assisted Living programs, such as those at 122 Massey Drive, continues to grow. Many seniors – including those with disabilities - prefer aging in place rather than transitioning to a long-term care facility.
The North Bay community can help PHARA Community Services maintain affordable housing with Assisted Living Services for people in North Bay and surrounding communities by supporting the "SAVE MASSEY - Everyone and Every-Body Deserves a Home" capital fundraising campaign. Donations of $20 or more are eligible for a tax receipt.
For more information about PHARA, including how to donate to support the campaign, please visit
In a recent annual Client Satisfaction Survey for PHARA’s health services, it was identified that 99% are Satisfied or Very Satisfied with the quality of PHARA’s Service and 100% would recommend PHARA’s Services to family and friends.